Course Description

Throughout this course, students will learn how to communicate in Thai language as they develop their understanding towards Thai culture. The course will provide the environment where students will learn and practice basic skills of listening, speaking, writing, and critical thinking through the content relating to Thai culture in various aspects.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Midterm Project


The student midterm project is to be an interactive enquiry into student’s comprehension of basic skills in communication in Thai language. Students will create a “One-Day Diary” comic strip about a day in their life. The comic strip must include illustrations and dialogues related to following topics:

1. Meeting new people

2. Ordering food

3. Traveling

4. Giving directions


The “One-Day Diary” comic strip project will account for 50% of their midterm examination or 10% of student’s final grade in the course. The content of their project will determine questions in their oral examination, which will account for another 50% in the midterm examination.

DUE DATE: Nov 25, 2010


The student’s grade (out of a possible 10-point total) will be broken down as follows:

Content (4)

- sufficient coverage of what is required

- relevant to course content

- story that flows and that is clear

Script/Dialogue (3)

- practical and relevant to the story

- shows applications of ideas presented

- correct Thai usage

Presentation (3)

- shows neatness

- illustrations relate to the scripts/dialogues

- interesting and creative

- evidence of hard work


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Course Objectives

After the students have completed the course learning activities, the students should be able to:

1. Develop basic communication skills in Thai as well as the critical thinking ability.
2. Learn about Thai culture.
3. Able to account what is learned in class to create new meaningful things.
3. Know how to adapt cultural context into contemporary world.