Course Description

Throughout this course, students will learn how to communicate in Thai language as they develop their understanding towards Thai culture. The course will provide the environment where students will learn and practice basic skills of listening, speaking, writing, and critical thinking through the content relating to Thai culture in various aspects.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


The student portfolio is a collection of student’s assignments in this course. It will show the development of student’s skills in Thai communication as well as the growth of student’s understanding in Thai culture.

The portfolio will account for 25% of their midterm examination, or 10% of student’s final grade in the course.

Due Date: Jan 20, 2011 (not finalized)


1) Table of Content

2) A REFLECTION WRITING on “What have you learned throughout this course?”

3) Must include all assignments and projects you have done throughout the course
- For projects those are not written assignments, use photos with short description to explain your work.
- Assignments can be arranged in any orders, but must be stated clearly on top of the page of what assignment or project it is.

4) Citations and references, if use any

1. At least 10 journal entries
2. Thai alphabets
3. Food: 7 dishes
4. Map & Direction
5. Traveling Group Project
6. Family Tree
7. Family Birthday
8. Festival Group Project
9. Thai Culture Group Project
10. One-Day-Diary (Midterm)
11. Final Project

Grade Breakdown:
The student’s grade (out of a possible 10-point total) will be broken down as follows-

Reflection Writing (2)
- quality of the writing
- sufficient coverage of the topic
- shows applications of ideas presented

Execution (4)
- information is arranged and presented thoughtfully and understandably
- shows neatness
- interesting and creative
- evidence of hard work

Completion of Requirements (4)
- table of content
- reflection writing
- at least 10 journal entries
- midterm and final projects
- other assignments as listed above

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Course Objectives

After the students have completed the course learning activities, the students should be able to:

1. Develop basic communication skills in Thai as well as the critical thinking ability.
2. Learn about Thai culture.
3. Able to account what is learned in class to create new meaningful things.
3. Know how to adapt cultural context into contemporary world.